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Makhathini: Putting on the full armour of God

How blessed are we to minister at our first ministry point? It is an absolute privilege to go out into the nations as ambassadors for Jesus and to see how He moves. Going out into the unknown was both exciting and nerve wracking, but we learned if you have no expectations you won’t have any disappointments! Arriving at our new Missions House, the smell of a home cooked meal welcomed us. We were blessed with beds and warm showers after our two day travel. Isn’t God wonderful? 

For the next 5 days the team dove straight into work. Many empty paint cans and dirty brushes later, the ladies managed to give the bathrooms and kitchen a new look, while the men helped renovate the roof of the pastor’s house.  The whole team helped tackle the roof in the church, which took lots of brave hearts and hands to clean up afterwards. Seeing the reaction and utter gratefulness of our hosts made the hard work worth so much more. God really placed us, his army, in Makhathini to not just fight Spiritual battles, but to serve those in need with actions as this. 

Our team could really bond well. The growth in our unity is evident after the series of challenges we had to face together, one of which was strong Spiritual warfare. The team got together and fought this battle by putting on the full armour of God, praying and praising Him. The Holy Spirit really moved among us until we experienced a massive breakthrough. Doing house visits and praying over people in the community also connected us on a level we couldn’t have reached before. We are amazed by the power of God, we truly serve a living God. 

Testimony Time: 

Makhathini will always have a special place in my heart. It was incredible to see how we as a team came together and fought a spiritual battle, walked around the church 7 times to declare God’s authority and prayed for each other. I just realised how blessed we are to experience the movement of God. I also had the privilege of receiving my tongues after my teammates prayed for me.
– Megan

Being in Makhathini was absolutely amazing. We got the opportunity to break into smaller groups and visit all the local churches last Sunday, and wow did we see the Lord move. We got to do some kids ministry and dance and sing with the kids, and then got to join the whole congregation and share some testimonies and really just experience the Lord move in that church!!
– Morgan

As we arrived at the second house during house visits, a young girl of 15 welcomed us. The pastor that accompanied us spoke to her in isiZulu, but he periodically translated into English for us. This girl was a non believer, although she had wanted to go to church in the past. The pastor shared the gospel with her, and she decided to give her life to the Lord. As we were about to leave I felt God asking something of me. “Do you have a Bible?” I asked. She replied no. “Do you read English?” She said yes. So I gave her my Bible which I had with me at the time. We are so thankful that the Lord moved her to be saved, and we continue to pray that she learns to read and remain in the word and build a relationship with The Creator.
– Sophia

Here at Makhathini we have seen people who have nothing giving everything and it really makes you reflect on your own life -to what extent do you lay your life down for Jesus? We want to encourage you to take up the challenge with us to put on the full armour of God and allow Him to lead you to victory! 

Love and blessings,

The One Year Team of 2025

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