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Long Term Workers

Elsabé – Panama


Elsabé has a heart to see the Kingdom expand in Panama. She loves Jesus and to see His Kingdom come through her work place. She is currently working in a coffee shop and uses her relational strength to disciple people.

Elsabé – Panama

How to Donate

EFT Details
Name: Elsabe Le Grange
Bank Name: Standard Bank
Account No: 10048254825
Branch Code: 051001
Pay with PayPal

Elbé – Middle East


Elbé has a compassionate heart and wants to see the Lord’s love and grace heal hearts and bring redemption. She uses her Occupational Therapy training and skills to help children with Cerebral Palsy amongst Syrian refugees.

Elbé – Middle East

How to Donate

EFT Details
Name: Global Challenge Trust
Bank Name: ABSA
Account No: 9206963077
Address: Outeniqua Drive, Jeffreys Bay, South Africa, 6330
Pay with PayPal

Christine – Middle East

Christine has recently joined Elbé in serving children with special needs, many of them Syrian Refugees. She wants to use her skills as an Occupational Therapist to support physical and cognitive healing, but above all to bring the gospel of truth, salvation and freedom.

Christine – Middle East

How to Donate

EFT Details
Name: Global Challenge Trust
Bank Name: ABSA
Account No: 9206963077
Address: Outeniqua Drive, Jeffreys Bay, South Africa, 6330
Pay with PayPal

Daleen – Middle East

Daleen is joining a team in the Middle East. Her vision is to be the love and light of Jesus among people who don’t have the privilege of knowing him. She aims to specifically work with families who have children with disabilities. Her heart is for them to experience the love of Christ. She will also form part in strengthening and building the local church.

Daleen – Middle East

How to Donate

EFT Details
Name: Daleen Schutte
Bank Name: ABSA
Account No: 4073877995
Account Type: Cheque
Branch Code: 632005
Pay with PayPal

The Soren Family – India

Sony, Paul and Joshua

This family is close to our heart. They have a similar vision to what we have here in Jeffreys Bay, South Africa, to reach children and families with the love of Jesus through education.

The Soren Family – India

How to Donate

EFT Details
Name: Sony and Paul
Bank Name: ABSA
Account No: 9226878684
Address: Outeniqua Drive, Jeffreys Bay, South Africa, 6330
Pay with PayPal

The Brink Family – Kenya

Corneli, André and Andreas

Andre and Corneli Brink and their son Andreas, serve as missionaries to the Maasai tribe in Southern Kenya focusing on Discipleship through business, mentoring and environmental education. They work and minister together with local leaders in the organization called Walking with Maasai. Andre also oversees a ministry called SEEK, on the shores of Lake Victoria.

The Brink Family – Kenya

How to Donate

EFT Details
Name: CC Brink
Bank Name: Standard Bank
Account No: 10223034337
Pay with PayPal

M & M – South Asia

M & M have a heart to see God’s Kingdom come among the unreached people in South Asia. They want to be part of the equipping and discipling of locals to be disciple makers through discovering God’s word in small groups and the obedience thereof.

M & M – South Asia

How to Donate

EFT Details
Name: Global Challenge Trust
Bank Name: ABSA
Account No: 9206963077
Address: Outeniqua Drive, Jeffreys Bay, South Africa, 6330
Pay with PayPal

M – South Asia


M has a calling to reach a rural and nomadic people group with the saving message of Jesus Christ. He wants to see this tribe reached by this message. His prayer is that they will start walking in the fullness of their identity in Jesus.

M – South Asia

How to Donate

EFT Details
Name: Global Challenge Trust
Bank Name: ABSA
Account No: 9206963077
Address: Outeniqua Drive, Jeffreys Bay, South Africa, 6330
Pay with PayPal

Nicole – South Asia


Nicole is an Occupational Therapist on mission to proclaim His name and build kingdom relationships within unreached communities of rural South Asia.

Nicole – South Asia

How to Donate

EFT Details
Name: Global Challenge Trust
Bank Name: ABSA
Account No: 9206963077
Address: Outeniqua Drive, Jeffreys Bay, South Africa, 6330
Pay with PayPal

Tobias and Carmen Schäfli – Switzerland


Tobias and Carmen have a heart for the people of Switzerland and want to see them take up their rich Christian inheritance. Through fostering a love for the Bible they want to see them growing in a mature relationship with their Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Tobias and Carmen Schäfli – Switzerland

How to Donate

EFT Details
Name: Carmen Schafli
Bank Name: Capitec
Account No: 1504087788
Branch Code: 470010
Pay with PayPal

S18A Tax Certificates

Donations to Global Challenge Education and development qualify for s18A receipts including but not limited to:

  • General donations marked as education or paid into an Education Account.
  • Education Building Fund donations.
  • Provision of scholarships, bursaries or loans to students covering tuition and/or hostel accommodation.
  • Other donations to be used in the provision of education or education programmes.
  • Donations made to any of our educational institutions.

The following donations will therefore not be eligible for s18A receipts:

  • Contributions to field workers.
  • Donations to students in a program run by Global Challenge Missions.
  • Donations to individuals in the Global Challenge Community

To request an S18A receipt email [email protected]

**  S18A Receipts can only be issued for approved “Public benefit activities” undertaken by Global Challenge as set out in Part II of the Ninth Schedule to the Income Tax Act 1962.
Receipts will be issued on request or after the end of the financial year in February each year.
Donations for Religion, Belief or Philosophy activities are not included in Part II of the Ninth schedule and therefore cannot obtain s18A receipts.