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As our team arrived in the Philippines, we were met with a wave of warmth and hospitality. This beautiful country, the only Christian nation in Asia, has a church that is strong, vibrant, and unapologetic. We spent our days serving alongside local believers, witnessing firsthand the depth of their faith. The first Sunday service had set a fire in our hearts for the rest of our time in the Philippines! We were surrounded by people desperate for prayer – men, women, and even young children, seeking guidance, healing, and deliverance. One scene etched itself into our memories:...

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As our team arrived in Bali, we were met with the island’s stunning beauty. However one of the most impactful moments that I’ve chosen to highlight from this country is the raw cry of a man that felt the burden of his community. This is what us as Servants of Christ need to hear. During a fellowship we began to pray ( popcorn style). Suddenly, with tears in his eyes, he cried out to God. “Please Lord save this village, they are lost. Please, O God my father, save them from themselves.“ Many of us fell to our knees and cried with him. Suddenly it became real. His words...

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Entering Peru, we heard God say, “I’m taking you into the promised land” and within a few days of arriving and seeing God move, in the promised land we indeed were! 5 locations. 40 days. Jungle. City. Mountains. Peru was a time of adventure for Westbound, with Jesus moving in different ways around every corner and in every setting. We praised Him from the valleys, alongside rivers, in the streets, and amongst cloud-height villages. We saw Him touch lives, heal, bring salvation, fill the dark spaces, and gift us with laughter and intimacy. This was the gift of Peru, the gift of entering...

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As we arrived in Chile on the 6th of June, our team was ready to pour out. We’d all felt God ask us to “come prepared to give” in this new space, and though much was uncertain in terms of what lay ahead, we were certain Jesus had a very specific plan for us there, one that involved surprises, joy in the trials, and an invitation to step into our gifts. Needless to say, all came true. Our group was quickly split up so that we would stay with different hosts – all locals from the church we were partnering with. While this proved a challenge in terms of the team often being...

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As we continue our year-long journey around the world, our team has had the privilege of meeting incredible individuals who are making a difference in their communities. In Laos, we had the honour of meeting a remarkable woman who has dedicated her life to serving deaf children and nurturing their journey to adulthood. This selfless individual has founded a school for deaf children, providing them with a safe and supportive environment to learn and grow. Her passion and love for these children were life changing to experience, and we were eager to support her in any way we could. We...

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