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Costa Rica. For some reason, just the name held a certain excitement for our team. Entering this beautifully green and humid land, we immediately felt something was stirring. Part of it was that our team had been split up for two weeks for ministry in Honduras, our previous country, we were excited to be back together. Another part of it was that our Luke 10 was coming up. And perhaps the other part was that this would be our last country in Central America, before we would fly out to Turkey. A lot had been building up to this arrival. Now it was finally here. Our base was an...

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Kenya | Back to Africa

After seven months in Asia, Eastbound returned to our home continent feeling a mix of excitement and nostalgia. Even though most of our team has never been to Kenya, there was something familiar about the welcoming atmosphere. Similar to our arrival in the Philippines, we felt the same inexpressible feeling of being in a Christian nation, knowing there are brothers and sisters everywhere. Our first taxi from the airport played Gospel music which filled our hearts with much encouragement as we made our way to the Loita Hills, Southern Kenya. Hosted by Andrè and Corneli, incredible...

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South Asia | Seeds and Soil

As we entered our last country for our Asia leg of the journey, we were extremely overwhelmed by the fast-paced nature of the country. All at once it hit us: the loud noises of the transport and people. Overall it was a sensory overload. Yet something that this team has really grown to value is prayer. Prayer when things are going well and prayer when things are not going so well, praying for the unreached and asking the Lord to send more workers to harvest the land. Even to pray for the reached that have become lukewarm or discouraged for the Holy Spirit to fill them a fresh. So...

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As Westbound, we typically make a point to stick together, however traveling to Honduras, we felt a nudge from the Spirit to do something different – to split up into two groups and cover more ground for the Kingdom. Team A went coast-side, to an island called Utila, where sun, diving, and worship would collide in a beautiful journey somewhat similar to a Luke 10. Team B traveled inland to a Mennonite community where relationship-based ministry in farming territory would captivate our hearts and leave a fragrance of the Spirit in areas hungry for more. To better tell our...

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Identity is a theme Westbound has intentionally been exploring together this year. Who does Christ say I am? How has He made me different to the next person? What is my purpose? As the Father has slowly and steadily been inviting us to glimpse His design for each of our lives, we’ve been diving into such questions and journeying with Him in the mysteries. However, it wasn’t until Guatemala that He began to abundantly pour out the answers. In this humid and green land, we were hosted by an inspiring missionary couple who have dedicated their lives to serving God in radical ways that very...

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