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Being a missionary in a country where even the word “missionary” is reserved for private conversations… was different. Knowing that our every step could change or confirm someone’s opinion of what a follower of Christ is was quite convicting and sometimes challenging. The fact of the matter is, we are called to represent a God who is perfect and without evil but unfortunately, there are Christians who don’t reflect the character of Christ. Embracing the Truth There in the middle of Jordan, we found ourselves proclaiming the truth to people who think they...

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Israel is a place that has a special place in Gods heart and is rich in biblical history. As a country blessed by God, Israel is a beautiful testimony of His faithfulness and love towards His people. God keeps His promises and as time goes on, more of them are being fulfilled. Over the past ten days, we became more and more aware of the fact that God has a plan for everything and that obedience aligns us with that plan. The Negev desert, Jerusalem and Tiberius were breathtaking- 3 places in the same country, but all are unique. The land is filled with sites where significant spiritual...

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The Fire of the Holy Spirit and it’s gifts experienced. Often times, we are not present because subconsciously, we believe that the next moment will be more important than the present one and before you know it, you missed what is happening now. Johannesburg was a perfect representation of this. Excited to fly to Israel, our team thought of Johannesburg as a stop to get our visas before we get on a plane, but the Lord taught us to be present in what He is doing in Johannesburg and not let our next ministry point distract us.  The body of Christ in Johannesburg is admirable. Although there...

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God has planned out every step, allow the Holy Spirit to lead you. Placed in the heart of Eswatini, we sat at the feet of the one who created it all. We had the privilege of camping in a garden, where every tree, flower and animal reflects God’s Glory. The two weeks we spent at Umdoni allowed us to rest, process what happened in Mozambique and savour everything God has done in and through our lives. We worked on the land where we learnt to farm sustainably, plant trees, create vegetable gardens, grow algae to feed chickens, physically plant seeds and prepare the harvest, all...

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Redefining our outlook of what ministry looks like. Investing in the present, for the future, while trusting God to continue the work you started. This is what Mozambique was like for most of us. Throughout our journey and adventures here, we got to work hard, play hard and experience God’s glory regularly. Our hosts were a finely put together combo of Mozambicans and South Africans who ministered alongside us. Whether it was to de-bush a small yet trying piece of land, that would soon be a safe-haven for orphans, or to spend time playing soccer with locals and then worshiping with them,...

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