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Moment TwoWritten by: Alicia du Plessis God has been providing for me and the team in many different ways during the year.Our South American travel costs are not cheap at all and at one point God tested our faithfulness and willingness to listen to Him. Our travel itinerary looked as follows:Brazil to Paraguay, Bolivia to Peru and back to Brazil through the Amazon River. This required a lot of traveling and money and when traveling with 11 people things can get tricky. Our first country in South America was Brazil. The people there blessed us in abundance, we hardly touched our budget...

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Introduction Recently our team has been reminded about the fact that the God we serve is truly our provider. This whole year has been an amazing testament of how well the Father looks after us, and we just thought it fit to share some amazing testimonies about how He has consistently shown up for us this year. We see the importance of sharing what He is doing in our lives and for that reason, we cannot keep quiet. We are overflowing with gratitude and we wish to impart unto you the reasons we are developing what I believe is unwavering faith. Let this be a moment of praise. To look back...

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