A Moment of Praise – part 2
Moment Two
Written by: Alicia du Plessis
God has been providing for me and the team in many different ways during the year.
Our South American travel costs are not cheap at all and at one point God tested our faithfulness and willingness to listen to Him.
Our travel itinerary looked as follows:
Brazil to Paraguay, Bolivia to Peru and back to Brazil through the Amazon River. This required a lot of traveling and money and when traveling with 11 people things can get tricky.
Our first country in South America was Brazil. The people there blessed us in abundance, we hardly touched our budget while we were there. God had put it on their hearts to bless us and take care of us as if we were their children. One evening I and my fellow finance teammate felt that we needed to gift most of our Brazil budget to various churches and people within the church. We decided on a number and withdrew it the next day. That same day our leadership back home told us that they will need more than half of the South American budget for our travel on the Amazon and that there is no way around it. This is where we felt God asked us if we will keep the money we just withdrew or give it away as planned and trust in Him for provision. So, we gifted the money we withdrew as planned. We had approximately R25000 left for the whole of South America. That included transportation, food, and accommodation costs.
It can sound daunting but God has shown us that He is the ultimate provider.
Transport costs in South America in some areas are expensive since we are traveling quite far in some regions. That money went faster than you would think. One bus ride cost us R13750 for the whole team. Just one bus ride. But like I said God is the ultimate provider. During this time money came in from strangers we don’t even know, first we received R2000 and then another R1000 and another R1000 and more and more. Overall, we have received approximately R24600, (Rough estimate), and most of these donations were anonymous.
I truly believe that God has put it on these individuals’ hearts to donate towards our time in South America. On top of that, our leaders back home made a revised plan for the Amazon travels and they helped us by using money that was saved from flights throughout the year and other saved-up money. We truly have a God-fearing leadership team back home that truly supports us and they are always willing to help us figure things out. God is our ultimate provider and sometimes God provides through money and other times it looks different. We’ve had an abundance of food and a place to stay every night. Whether it was in the back of a truck on our way to Sucre in Bolivia with the stars keeping us company or in a missionary house in La Paz with people who blessed us with the place, God has provided and keeps on providing for our every need.
My Global year is paid in full, thanks to God who planned this year for me even before I even knew about Global. JESUS knew where He wanted me and made the means available.
God is our ultimate provider.
Moment Three
Written by: Zandre du Preez
This year I have seen God’s provision in many different ways. He has provided places to stay when we had none and food to eat when we didn’t know where our next meal was going to come from but for me, the biggest testimony of provision has been through the provision of my year’s finances.
God started working in my heart about Him being my provider long before I planned on doing Global but in doing Global, God really came and showed me, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that He is the one that provides for me. I had none of the finances necessary for this year when I started this year but not once throughout this entire year have I missed a deadline for the necessary funds. God has been faithful in providing exactly what I need when I need it every single time.
I’m overjoyed in saying that I’m now fully funded for the year.